As a supporter of The Outdoor Circle, making a difference in keeping our islands beautiful and green is important to you. Charitable giving can be a way to extend your support by ensuring that the organizations and causes you care about today, like The Outdoor Circle, continue to survive and thrive well into the future. We are pleased to announce we have begun a partnership with the Hawai‘i Community Foundation to continue your relationship with The Outdoor Circle in a “Give Beyond Your Years” campaign. This effort involves 99 other selected non-profits in Hawaii. TOC will be working with HCF which will enable us to continue to do TOC's good work of keeping Hawai‘i "Clean, Green and Beautiful." The good news is you do not have to be Warren Buffet or Bill Gates to start a meaningful philanthropic legacy. In addition to supporting the work of The Outdoor Circle through cash donations, memberships, and fundraisers, consider making a planned gift. WHAT IS PLANNED GIVING? Planned giving is a win-win approach to philanthropic donations that supports The Outdoor Circle and can benefit you now or in the future. Simply put, “planned giving” is the transfer of assets to a designated nonprofit organization during a lifetime or as part of an estate plan. This forward-thinking approach to giving is “planned” because often these assets are not liquid, have tax consequences and are generally transferred via a trust, will or other written means. It’s easy. Planned giving is easy to do and you don’t have to be wealthy to do it. Whether it is naming The Outdoor Circle in your will or trust for a modest amount, or a gift of house and property, there is an easy option that is right for you. It can involve assets you might never think of. A life insurance policy. Real estate. Stocks. Business holdings. A checking or savings account. These are all assets that can be leveraged in planned gifts. It can generate an income stream. In return for the donation of real estate, stocks or other assets, donors can receive a series of regular payments. It can provide generous tax benefits. Depending upon the type of gift, short-term and/or long-term tax benefits may apply. Donors at a variety of income levels can benefit. Be sure to consult with your financial or estate planner for more specifics. It can work in tandem with other family priorities. Planned giving is not an “all or nothing” option. Gifts can exist side-by-side with other beneficiaries and personal priorities. It is long remembered. Your legacy gifts will allow you to ‘give beyond your years’ to an organization that you love and that you know does critical work in keeping Hawaii clean, green and beautiful. Please talk to your financial advisor or estate planning attorney today about including The Outdoor Circle in your planned giving. Please note: The Hawai‘i Community Foundation nor The Outdoor Circle provide legal or tax advice. All donors and advisors should consult their tax advisors to properly determine the tax consequences of making a charitable gift.
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Welina!The Greenleaf is the online newsletter and blog of The Outdoor Circle. Here you will find updates on the projects and accomplishments of our many branches throughout the state, as well as programs with statewide impact. Archives
September 2023