A History of The Outdoor Circle
Cherilla Storrs Lowrey, first President of The Outdoor Circle, with the Executive Committee, 1916
Founders of The Outdoor Circle
Anna Rice Cooke | Mrs. Isaac Cox | Francis Lawrence | Cherilla Lowrey | Laura Sherman | Kulunanu Ward | Ida Waterhouse
Anna Rice Cooke | Mrs. Isaac Cox | Francis Lawrence | Cherilla Lowrey | Laura Sherman | Kulunanu Ward | Ida Waterhouse
The Hawaiian Gazette: ( Honolulu [Oahu, Hawai‘i] ) 1865-1918
TOC: The First 50 Years
by Alice Spalding Brown ~ September 1962
The Roots of the Circle
by Cynthia M. Steele ~ May 1976
The Outdoor Circle: 65 Years of Service to Hawai‘i
The Star-Advertiser ~ 1977
Digging into The Outdoor Circle
The Sally H. Edwards Archive of The Outdoor Circle
The Sally H. Edwards archive contains materials about The Outdoor Circle from 1911 to 2004.
The Outdoor Circle ~ Its Legacy and Lasting Impact on Hawai‘i
Interactive Maps of The Outdoor Circle Environmental Stewardship
The Outdoor Circle and its branches have provided our communities statewide with a wealth of environmental improvements and beautification projects over the past century. Many of these stewardship efforts are displayed on our website via a series of interactive maps. Clicking on the map icons will bring up photos and information about The Outdoor Circle activity at that site.