The 2015 Full Circle and Annual Meeting was consolidated into one full-day event which took place on August 8, 2015 at Honey's Restaurant at the Ko'olau Golf Club. For those who missed it, the following is a report on the programs and discussions that took place.
Ruth Leinau
January 28, 1917 – April 17, 2015 Member of the NSOC Branch The brightest of smiles—the bluest of eyes—the charm and utter pleasure that she always showed when you arrived at her door. These were always such a part of Ruth Leinau that, like the Pied Piper, we wanted to be near her and listen to her stories with such an outpouring of joy. Beauty was such a part of her—the flowers she loved to arrange—and the decorations in her home were always something we looked forward to admiring. Entertaining was a delightful event at Ruth's. "I'm just having a few good friends and family—will you join us?" Who would dare miss it? The See's candy and Harry & David gourmet nuts and warm brie and, of course, champagne. At one time she graciously accepted the presidency of the North Shore Outdoor Circle—and what a wonderful time we had! Special lunch meetings, light refreshments at the Proud Peacock once a month, interesting guest speakers—and always well attended. Ruth will be remembered and loved by all ages as she was just as comfortable with the younger members as she was with her peers. Ninety eight years of age was so easy for our lovely lady. She blended into the age of exceptional women, a marvelous volunteer with the charm and beauty of spirit and gentility. In her honor donations will be accepted by the NSOC. P.O. Box 1011, Haleiwa, HI 96712. ![]() Recently, we reported that members on Oahu are using "See, Click, Fix" -- a new app on their smartphones -- to report illegal billboards to Honolulu's enforcement division. And now we are seeing results! Here is the follow up from the first enforcement action taken through the "See, Click, Fix" App. From the inspector's report: "Inspection on 3/10/14 revealed the correct address of the complaint is 1357 South Beretania Street. The inspection on that date revealed the following: - Mark Glen's Action (Gold) - There is a non-permitted sign (a banner). Pending. Reinspection on 3/17/14 revealed the banner sign (Cash For Gold) has been removed at the above-referenced property." Yay! It worked. The key here is patience. Like most counties in Hawaii, Honolulu's code enforcement division is woefully understaffed. It takes months for complaints to be inspected and notices of violations to be sent to property owners. We are heartened, however, to learn that two new enforcement officers were recently added to the staff at Honolulu's DPP Customer Service Division. These new officers combined with this more convenient method of reporting possible violations, we hope to stem the proliferation of illegal outdoor signage in Honolulu. To download the app onto your smartphone, click here. You can make anonymous reports of billboard violations -- but be sure to mention you are working with The Outdoor Circle! A special thanks to the members of the North Shore branch for taking the lead on enforcing our sign laws on Oahu. ![]() Watch for your membership renewal postcard in the mail! The Outdoor Circle will be mailing membership renewals for all members in the beginning of April. To be efficient, we encourage you to submit your membership form and annual dues online by clicking here. This not only saves our trees, but reduces the costs of printing, postage, and data entry. Renew by June 1, 2014 to ensure you are on the list to receive important updates, including an invitation to our Annual Meeting and election of officers to be held in August and our next convention of members, "The Full Circle." If you have renewed your membership since the Fall, then your membership is current and you will not be receiving a postcard in the mail. Your membership will be up for renewal on June 1, 2015. If you mail in your membership dues to the office (1314 S. King St. #306 Honolulu 96822), then please be sure to include a note indicating the branches you would like to join and your email address. Click here to download a membership form. If you have any questions about the membership renewal process, call the office at 808-593-0300. This is also a great time to help new members join The Circle. Ask your friends and family if they appreciate the natural beauty of Hawaii -- and if they do, then they should help support The Circle's work by becoming a member. ![]() Members of the North Shore Outdoor Circle have had it with the proliferation of illegal signs in their community. They are banning together with members from the four other O’ahu branches to stamp out this visual blight. This is not the first time, TOC member have taken on illegal signs with great success. But this time they have a new secret weapon: a smartphone app called “See, Click, Fix.” “See, Click, Fix” is a free application available on most smartphones that allows citizens to easily report problems to the county. The program automatically routes the reports to the proper agency. Your report can include images, the specific location, and a detailed description of the problem. Reports can be tracked on the SeeClickFix website, including when reported problems are resolved by the proper authorities. TOC members are encouraged to install this app on their smartphones and start reporting illegal signs, dumping, water-wasting, trees in need, and any other matter that needs the county’s attention to the proper authorities. Be sure to mention that you are member of The Outdoor Circle in your reports. |
Welina!The Greenleaf is the online newsletter and blog of The Outdoor Circle. Here you will find updates on the projects and accomplishments of our many branches throughout the state, as well as programs with statewide impact. Archives
September 2023