Sign Complaints |
Tree ComplaintsThe Outdoor Circle does not get involved with tree complaints with neighbor versus neighbor and/or tenants versus condo associations boards. However, if you have an issue with trees in the right of way on Oahu please call the Oahu Urban Forestry Division at 971-7151.
County Complaint LinesGraffiti, park problems, bulky trash, abandon vehicles… a lot that affects Hawai`i's beauty is the responsibility of our counties. You can tell them what needs to be done by visiting the complaint line for your county:
County of Kaua`i City and County of Honolulu County of Maui County of Hawai`i (Don't be shy to mention you are a member of The Outdoor Circle!) |
Department of Transportation HotlinePlease call 808-831-6714 for problems related to state roads and highways. This includes signage/flyers on telephone poles.